It NEVER gets old
This is one of those flash movies that you tell EVERYONE about, and they will love you more for it. I saw this a LOOONNGGGG time ago and to this day I still laugh my butt off at this movie.
It NEVER gets old
This is one of those flash movies that you tell EVERYONE about, and they will love you more for it. I saw this a LOOONNGGGG time ago and to this day I still laugh my butt off at this movie.
FLCL inspired, But took on a life of it's own
There is no doubt that you saw FLCL one too many times, haven't we all, and I must say it comes thru beautifuly. The music, well it's from The Pillows you don't need to add anymore praise to their work, but I did like how you managed to synch what was happening in the story with the music, very well done. The character look like a cross between Dib(Invader Zim) and XJ9(Jenny, My Life as a Teen-aged Robot) especially with all the built-in gadgets. The monster are VERY FLCL inspired, and I also love the secondary, and might I add random second plot, well executed as well I might add, VERY difficult to do correctly.
If this were eBay I'd give you an A++ but I think my %'s and 10's will have to do, ;)
what can i say i love TFTM
i would have been awesome to have seen a live action version of transformers,where can i get this script to read off th enet
c'mon url plz :)
!!!!!!!!!!!!!****HOLY SHIT****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that all i can say,i didnt even knwo flash could do animation of this calibur,you sir need ot be hired by a animation studion specializing in flash,nuff said
greatest short serious flash ever
a great short film
it was a good effort,but sometimes th emusic would slow down and the whole river getting polluted was too damn funny
WTG!!! guy
thumbs up
if mario had a music video,this's be it!!
if mario had a music video,this's be it!!
the music was pleasing,the animation relaxing,and just the right amount of humor,for the piece.
no on-screen blood(that i can think of),and the style of characters was cool.
see this movie,and tell others :)
Age 46, Male
Joined on 8/21/01